1. Dr. Paulson discusses contemporary rejections of Martin Luther.
  2. The Fellows talk about good works their necessity and imputation.
  3. We continue to move into Isaiah and define the terms of holiness and glory.
  4. When man gives freedom it sometimes ends up being more confining. When man fights for equality it ends up being more oppressive. Repent and believe the Good News!
  5. Caleb, Scott, and Rod talk about distinguishing sanctification from justification. Rod talks about how the weak on sanctification phrase developed. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  6. "If we are led by the Spirit" . . . but where does the Spirit lead? He always leads us to Christ and His cross.
  7. Throughout the centuries and throughout earthquakes, famines, kingdoms falling and rising, God's Word has moved forward. Picking up pieces, people, lives, sins, and hopelessness only to turn them into diamonds through His Grace!
  8. Yes, yes, we know YOU know exactly how to study your Bible, but in this episode Craig and Troy give you a method of Bible study that you can easily explain to others. Yeah . . . that's the ticket.
  9. Scott and Caleb are joined by pastor Bob Hiller to talk about his book Christ in the Straw. The book serves as a devotional commentary through James. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  10. I’m spiritual, not Spiritual. Gillespie and Riley continue hijacking their podcast to honor their spiritual father, Norman Nagel. This week, we discuss how to sort out gifts we give ourselves and gifts given by God.
  11. “Let your love be genuine!” But what if it’s not? The Apostle Paul gives us a list that seems hard to fulfill. If it is up to us, we’re in trouble. But if it is all in Christ, it is done. Love! “Butwhat’s in it for me?” When we fail, we flee to Christ. We know what genuine love is by looking at Christ, and in faith we receive genuine love from Him.
  12. Living sacrifices are holy and acceptable to God: What’s that look like? Redeemed and made new by Christ, we use the gifts God has given us to serve others and serve Him.