Salvation (837)
  1. Jesus Christ is relentless. He does not give up. And with him comes the certainty of redemption.
  2. Jesus came for little children, and that is what we are. We are children of God.
  3. God’s creatures on four legs are some of the greatest storytellers of the Scriptures.
  4. This article is part of Stephen Paulson’s series on the Psalms.
  5. The mere fact of “having faith” or saying that “you believe” is not as important as in what or in whom your faith rests.
  6. True religion or true faith is heavenly. It understands that mankind’s only hope has to come from outside of itself.
  7. The central message of Christianity is not a worldview, a way of life, or a program for personal or societal change; it is a person and the message of the cross.
  8. This article is part of Stephen Paulson’s series on the Psalms.
  9. Despite the best efforts of that council to silence Jesus of Nazareth and his message, it wasn't enough. Jesus was alive.
  10. What a small thing in the big picture to give his head for the Head of the Church who would give his life for John and all sinners.
  11. Nature ends in stinging judgment from its Creator.
  12. As both law and gospel are proclaimed, judgment and deliverance are miraculously pronounced over the hearer.

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