1. We've found Katie Koplin, in the midst of moving into an old church, and working on her training to become a Christian counselor.
  2. Sin is a heavy thing to bear. Its jacket is shame, its medals are guilt.
  3. This month, we discuss the book "The Soul of Shame" by Dr. Curt Thompson. It was a really fun conversation, and Katie called it her top read of the year.
  4. We finally finish up our conversation on birth by talking about postpartum and breastfeeding vs formula.
  5. Jesus purifies His own and ends their identification as unfit to appear in His presence or in front of other people as the person we identify as our true self.
  6. What if you could have a conversation with someone who was theologically sound, a great communicator, and an experienced licensed therapist to talk about the emotions we struggle with, and what to do with them?
  7. Sometimes in hanging on to our useless guilt, we are idolaters. We believe our sin or conscience is more powerful than our God.
  8. To say that whoever loves has been born of God is also to say that those who are born of God are recipients of love. They do not have God because they love but because they are loved.
  9. God invites you to confess the skeletons in your closet so that he might bury them in the grave for good.
  10. Is it cooler to think there is a grand secret conspiracy based on human trafficking or that human trafficking happens far more often and far more normally than we are comfortable with? And how did we create a culture that produced Marilyn Manson and is simultaneously shocked and offended by him? Oh yeah, we are really all idiots incapable of running our own lives let alone the world!
  11. Who is right in these crazy times? The only oppressed One who is not the oppressor: Jesus.
  12. Jesus is a real person talking to you and feeding you, which is beyond intellectual Christianity!

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