John T. Pless

78 Results

Mankind - Not God - Needs Demythologizing: In the Ring with John Pless

What does it look like to preach while the world is ending? Ringside Preachers,


Vocation? Can you tell me more?

Professor and author John Pless extends his time with Craig and Troy as we go


Vocation? What's that?

Professor and author John Pless joins Craig and Troy to discuss what God calls


Helmut Thielicke: A Preacher in an Age of Fear, Part One

Helmut Thielicke had lived on the borderline between life and death enduring a life-threatening illness in his youth and confronting the perpetually present carnage of World War Two. He ministered to a skeptical generation that teetered on the borderline between faith and unbelief.

Preaching the Parables: A Review of Proclaiming the Parables by Thomas Long

Long does not see the parables as riddles to be explained, but truth of God’s Kingdom to be proclaimed.

Confession and Absolution

This is an excerpt from “Confession and Absolution” by John T. Pless in Common Places in Theology: A Curated Collection of Essays from Lutheran Quarterly, edited by Mark Mattes, (1517 Publishing 2023).


Here We Still Stand 2022

Consciences Captive to the Word of God

Pastor Craft


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