1. Course Instruction
  2. By his first Advent in the flesh, through his second Advent with bread and wine and water and Word, we await his third Advent at the end.
  3. We will not become hopeless because the Lord is with us.
  4. The waiting of Advent isn’t just for Christmas; it’s for God’s reversal of all sin and evil and his renewal of all things.
  5. Gretchen Ronnevik is the author of Ragged: Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted and co-host of the podcast, Freely Given.
  6. “The days are coming,” and God said it. God, who kept his promise that Christ would come at Christmas.
  7. Trusting in Christ’s promise of new life and deliverance pours patience and hope into the way we think and the way we experience life.
  8. Get behind me bourgie theology! Pick up your cross and turn on your radio to Ringside Preachers. Talking about Rush Limbaugh’s legacy, shaking hands like a man and not a fish, and you-know-who: Jesus.
  9. Hannah’s story is the story of God’s great reversal.
  10. It turns out the family trait of not being able to wait runs deep and wide in the family of God. We do foolish things while we wait for promises to be fulfilled.
  11. Four stars! The story of Ruth is the rom-com of the year! But actually, it's even so much better than that. Craig and Troy open up the book of Ruth and start to see how God unfolds His long game through this spectacular and important story.
  12. The following is an excerpt from "Finding Christ in the Straw," written by Robert M. Hiller (1517 Publishing, 2020).