1. “Let no one fear death, for the Death of our Savior has set us free. He has destroyed it by enduring it. He destroyed Hell when He descended into it. He put it into an uproar even as it tasted of His flesh. Christ is Risen, and the tomb is emptied of its dead!” - Chrysostom
  2. Into The Mystic. In this episode, we read and discuss the crucifixion as interpreted by Simone Weil, an anarchist, philosopher, and mystic.
  3. The Right Man for The Job. In this episode, we finish reading and discussing Leo the Great’s Lenten sermon about Christ’s two natures. What happens when the old Adam adds to Scripture’s witness to Jesus’ two natures?
  4. God Really Bodies Our Salvation. In this episode, we read and discuss a Lenten sermon from Leo the Great. What happens when the two natures of Christ are divided?
  5. Get behind me bourgie theology! Pick up your cross and turn on your radio to Ringside Preachers. Talking about Rush Limbaugh’s legacy, shaking hands like a man and not a fish, and you-know-who: Jesus.
  6. Does God come that we might serve Him, or that He might serve man? Craig and Troy revisit the end of Matthew 3 to bring out the implications of what it means for Jesus to serve us by fulfilling all righteousness.
  7. In between boarding up your windows and hauling 5 lb. drums of peanut butter down to your basement, grab a hot rum toddy, pull your muck boots up, and inject yourself with a little reality in Jesus with the Preachers.
  8. God doesn't demand that you wash yourself and come up to Him in holiness, but instead He comes all the way down to you in the filth of your sin.
  9. . . . but the joke's on Herod. Joseph takes Mary and baby Jesus to refuge in Egypt, and all that happens in Matthew 2 is done in order to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament.