1. Therapist Steve Lownes joins Craig and Troy for a discussion on theology and therapy. How are they the same, and how are they different?
  2. Fear and great joy at Jesus' resurrection! But also rejection and refusal.
  3. In this episode with Mike Cosper, we talk about grace and virtue. How do we "pursue virtue" and not let go of grace? We discuss the difference between self introspection by checking our own fruit, and confessing our sins.
  4. Caleb is joined by two members of 1517's junior fellowship, John Hoyum and Philip Bartelt, to give a rundown of Lutheran worship.
  5. What does it mean to be steadfast? How does vocation relate to location? In this episode, Gretchen and Katie discuss the theology of place, as it relates to the ongoing conversation of patience and hope.
  6. When surrounded by evil, it’s easy to think our doom is sure. How we can defend ourselves, how can we judge the wicked, especially when they seem so much smarter,stronger and more confident than us?
  7. Judas, Peter, and you are all betrayers of Jesus, and yet He does the work necessary to forgive your sins.
  8. Peter's profound promises to perfectly protect the progeny of the Padre putter out. Jesus is tormented to His core knowing what He is about to face, but commits Himself for you.
  9. We continue our conversation with Nancy Guthrie and how life changing it can be to find Christ in the Old Testament--and not just in the prophecies. It's transformative, and as she would say, there's nothing more practical.
  10. The Thinking Fellows talk about confirmation bias. Is there a benefit to regularly engaging with disagreeable ideas?
  11. Everyone is stained by sin. Who can stand before God? Who can dwell in His holy presence? Only the one who walks blamelessly.
  12. The day of Jesus' death races ever nearer, and we see both a woman who believes upon Him and a man who betrays Him.