1. Need a break from philanthropic looting and virtue signaling? Sit down in your nice new Pottery Barn fluffy sofa, grab your oat milk latte from the ‘bucks and join a real revolution: Ringside.
  2. “Let no one fear death, for the Death of our Savior has set us free. He has destroyed it by enduring it. He destroyed Hell when He descended into it. He put it into an uproar even as it tasted of His flesh. Christ is Risen, and the tomb is emptied of its dead!” - Chrysostom
  3. Don't let people convince you that staying home is heroic. Unless of course you are listening to Ringside while staying home! Than you, my friend, are an Erol Flynn! Luther on the Resurrection.
  4. On this Holy Thursday, join in the discussion about Jesus' final meal with his disciples and the gifts he has prepared for them. Cindy and her kids continue to walk alongside the story of Jesus and his sacrifice for the sin of the world.
  5. Christ is Risen! So stop being a wuss. Get up and Go out! It will be ok. But first take a listen to the boys in black - Ringside Preachers
  6. Holy Saturday is the pause between the pain of God Friday and the joy of Easter morning. Discuss the early morning discoveries of Mary and the disciples with Cindy and her kids as we all await the announcement of Jesus' resurrection!
  7. "Holy Week" might sound fancy and super-churchy, but it really just boils down to one thing: Jesus Christ for you. Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and give us a great review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts! Email us: ForYouRadio@1517.org www.1517.org/foryou St. James Lutheran Church www.stjameslcms.church St. Peter's Lutheran Church www.Stpeterslc.org We're proud to be a podcast of 1517.org podcasts.
  8. Wade and Mike sit down to discuss the often forgotten celebration of the second week of Easter.
  9. The Resurrection of Christ is the central matter of the Christian faith.
  10. On episode FIFTY-TWO of Let the Bird Fly! Rev. John Bortulin joins the guys to discuss Holy Week…and Easter 2.
  11. On episode three of Let the Bird Fly! we welcome our first (adult) guest, Rev. John Bortulin, to discuss Holy Week from the pulpit and the pew, touching on topics such as Passion Sunday and the Triduum.