1. In this month's extra book club episode, we are discussing Brené Brown's book: "Dare to Lead." We talk about mixing secular and Biblical sources and the right and wrong way to do that.
  2. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVEN, Mike, Wade, and Greg discuss despair, disenchantment, acedia, and other despair-related things.
  3. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX, Mike and Wade discuss disappointment.
  4. Life can get so complicated, so full of mind numbing details and various pains that it's easy to wish we lived in a simpler time.
  5. Godly, upright in heart, righteous. Sinful, sorrowful, wasting away.
  6. It can all seem so unfair. The wicked prosper and the ones who look to God seem to suffer the most.
  7. Psalm 60 is a lament that begins with a harsh and bitter accusation, namely that God has rejected us. David complains about rejection, loss, national tragedy and
  8. Is it cooler to think there is a grand secret conspiracy based on human trafficking or that human trafficking happens far more often and far more normally than we are comfortable with? And how did we create a culture that produced Marilyn Manson and is simultaneously shocked and offended by him? Oh yeah, we are really all idiots incapable of running our own lives let alone the world!
  9. Why does suffering hurt so much? Craig and Troy explore the idea that God works through our suffering for the benefit of others and ourselves, but He does so without us seeing Him work. So what should our faith latch onto? Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and give us a great review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts! Email us: ForYouRadio@1517.org