1. Matthew tells us how Jesus came from a proud and glorious lineage of . . . well, of prostitutes, thieves, and murderers as well as kings and prophets, all of whom happen to be God's people. Jesus reaches all the way down into our humanity so that He can fulfill everything for us.
  2. We asked Dr. Steven Paulson when the end of the world would be… He said it already happened and we missed it! But that’s Ok, Jesus invites you into it! Perk up your ears and give us listening to.
  3. Throughout the centuries and throughout earthquakes, famines, kingdoms falling and rising, God's Word has moved forward. Picking up pieces, people, lives, sins, and hopelessness only to turn them into diamonds through His Grace!
  4. Erick and Daniel discuss Luke's account of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
  5. A discussion about avoiding danger at all costs, church, communion during the pandemic and other topics.
  6. Don't let people convince you that staying home is heroic. Unless of course you are listening to Ringside while staying home! Than you, my friend, are an Erol Flynn! Luther on the Resurrection.
  7. Christ is Risen! So stop being a wuss. Get up and Go out! It will be ok. But first take a listen to the boys in black - Ringside Preachers
  8. The Crazy Old Man showers undeserved grace on the idiot son . . . oh, and the prodigal son gets some love, too.
  9. On this episode we were excited to talk with Dr. Mike Horton, known to many of us through his work on the White Horse Inn. Dr. Horton has written so broadly on so many theological topics, we thought he might be helpful in taking that central doctrine, the Easter morning doctrine, and talk about it in light of the creeds, our faith, and the good news.
  10. The Resurrection of Christ is the central matter of the Christian faith.
  11. On episode TWENTY-EIGHT of Let the Bird Fly! the guys welcome the ever-patient Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard.
  12. Last week we ran out of time and barely scratched the surface of the theology of the person and work of Christ. This week we continue our conversation and touch on active and passive obedience and other pieces of the "Godman" puzzle. Sit back, relax, and grab a drink as we conquer our first "part 2" episode.