1. One More Movie Reference Ought to Do It. In this episode, we discuss God’s Word and Armor. We return to Harold Ristau’s book, Spiritual Warfare: For the Care of Souls, to converse about God’s Word, ministry, being a soldier in the army of Christ, and angelic backup, and we make many movie references as we go!
  2. No faith in the mark of the Beast.
  3. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we remember the Broadway debut of “Jesus Christ Superstar.”
  4. Gretchen and Katie talk through a listener suggested topic of people pleasing. They talk about their own struggles in this area, and how people pleasing can be the opposite of vocation, or interfere with vocation.
  5. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about Christianity and sports.
  6. In this episode, we discuss spiritual warfare and its effects on clergy and laity alike. We read Harold Roseau’s book to discuss the realities of spiritual warfare, what’s at stake, and what happens when we take seriously what the Bible teaches us about the unseen and seen war raging around us.
  7. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-ONE, Wade, Mike, Jason and Mark Paustian (a returning guest) from Martin Luther College recorded from Jason’s basement compound.
  8. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY (!), Wade, Mike, and Jason recorded live at WLC for the Milwaukee area campus ministry, The Point of Grace. This episode focused on you and your Bible–what are you supposed to do with that thing?
  9. Loso is a hip-hop recording artist and one of the world's top battle rappers.
  10. Baptized, Confirmed, and Ordained. In this episode, we discuss the early Lutheran formulation of calling and ordination of pastors and preachers. What is ordination, when does it happen, are their rules and rites that must be followed, and much, much more!