1. Dr. Paulson begins an important conversation about distinguishing law and gospel.
  2. A brief summary of Augustin'e view of friendship is followed by some quotes by Augustine
  3. Preaching ought, therefore, to be regarded not as the second-class stepsister to academic theology, but as its pioneering elder brother.
  4. Walk Like An Augustinian. In this episode, we discuss preaching while reading Augustine’s, On Christian Teaching, where he explains the importance of heavenly wisdom, eloquence, and getting out of the way of God’s Word.
  5. Augustine makes plain that the overarching aim of style is not to be showy; it’s to be an instrument of Spirit-led persuasion.
  6. Who’s Running the Verbs of Grace? In this episode, we discuss Augustine’s defense of God’s grace against the Pelagians, with a healthy dose of Reformation theology added for seasoning.
  7. Neither attentive note-taking, nor appreciative head-nods, nor even sympathetic tears satisfy the purpose of preaching. Only lives that are changed by the Word working in the hearts of God’s people can do that.
  8. Blind Faith Is Worthless Unless It’s Blind Faith in Us. In this episode, we discuss Augustine’s Confessions, specifically Augustine’s reflection on the Manichaeans and the effect God’s Word had on his conversion to Christianity.
  9. We cannot overstate that no person outside the Bible has been as influential to Christian theology as Augustine.
  10. Finding the balance between indifferentism and obsessiveness has never been easy, and it’s especially difficult in our environment.
  11. Following Augustine's proposition that prayer can lead to a cooperative relationship between God's will and man's, Paulson, the alternative prayer that Luther highlights with the petition "Thy will be done."
  12. Dr. Paulson discusses Augustine's turn toward a Law that does not accuse.

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