1. Psalm 78 contains a long list of the failings of God's people.
  2. The Lord told Moses to give a blessing on the people of Israel.
  3. Craig and Troy launch into a new mini-series on their favorite Scriptures . . . the ones that are the central themes of the faith
  4. Peter's profound promises to perfectly protect the progeny of the Padre putter out. Jesus is tormented to His core knowing what He is about to face, but commits Himself for you.
  5. Psalm 2 ends by describing the state of blessing for those take refuge in God. In this life we are often left to wondering why God, who loves the world so much, is so rejected and hated by so many that He created.
  6. When God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, thereafter his story was linked into as God’s story. Psalm 8 speaks of the human being, as humanity, but also of Christ.