1. Dr. Phillip Cary joins Kelsi to discuss his newest book, The Nicene Creed: An Introduction.
  2. Sometimes our resistence to forgiveness is that we are attempting to give Christ-less grace.
  3. Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin continue their conversation with historian Dan vanVoorhis about the history of revivals.
  4. Renowned Luther scholar and professor emeritus of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary St. Louis, Dr. Robert Kolb, sits down with Kelsi to discuss two kinds of righteousness (or two fold righteousness).
  5. Paul instructs Timothy on how to save both himself and his hearers. Craig and Troy feel momentary conviction over being irreverent and silly.
  6. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND TWELVE, Mike and Wade are give thanks for the life and ministry of Jim Nestingen and discuss his article entitled “Justification by Faith in Luther’s Small Catechism.”
  7. Psalm 50 is rebuke to those that either think they are too important, or they think God doesn't notice their acceptance of sin and hypocracy.
  8. Mike, Jason, and Wade, and Pr. Nathan Wordell, discuss the third chapter of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics, Heritage and Decay.
  9. Who’s Running the Verbs of Grace? In this episode, we discuss Augustine’s defense of God’s grace against the Pelagians, with a healthy dose of Reformation theology added for seasoning.
  10. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHT, Mike, Jason, and Wade, and Pr. Dan Lindner and Pr. Nathan Wordell, discuss the second chapter of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ethics, Ethics as Formation, as well as campus ministry.