1. Excerpt #3 from the new book “Withertongue Emails" by Donavon Riley.
  2. Excerpt #2 from the new book “Withertongue Emails" by Donavon Riley.
  3. The problem with sin is that we fail to honor God who wants to take our hearts captive and fill us with his goodness.
  4. Excerpt #1 from the new book “Withertongue Emails" by Donavon Riley.
  5. Below is a compilation of some of our contributors and editors favorite theology books published in 2021. We hope these can be a resource for each of you as we begin 2022!
  6. In honor of this anniversary celebration, here are five fun facts about The Lord of the Rings that I hope you will enjoy.
  7. Pastor Craft: Essays and Sermons is now available through 1517 Publishing
  8. This is an excerpt from Chapter 27 in “Pastor Craft: Essays and Sermons” written by John T. Pless (1517 Publishing, 2021). Now Available for Preorder
  9. So what, if anything, makes us different from those who are waiting on the grassy knoll in Dallas, TX? Can we be any more sure of our belief in the resurrection?
  10. Forgiveness of sins does not come in bits and pieces. There are no levels of forgiveness.
  11. What I like about Giertz’s approach is the devotional nature of these commentaries. He’s a pastor concerned with what these texts have to say to us today.
  12. The church is the only place God promises to lift us out of ourselves not in order to become more like God but so that we may finally be freed from our obsession with becoming little gods.