The point of Revelation is to reveal consolation in Jesus, not to revel in chaos and confusion.
The good news for Jacob is that God humbled himself so that he could lose a wrestling match to a man with a dislocated hip so that he could give him a new name.
Despite the fact that this could sound strange to modern ears, Luther has an important reason for saying what he does about the Commandments.

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The profound significance of Christ’s resurrection comes from the threefold justification it provides: it justifies the sinner, the sinner’s hope, and God himself.
Zwingli the Pastor provides an excellent introduction to the Swiss reformer’s life and work, focusing on Zwingli’s philosophy of church reform, biographical details, and mode of exegesis.
Regardless of background or beliefs, every American I talk to seems on edge, as if the sky were about to fall. But the sky is not falling.
A “good death” and “good life” are not accomplished through personal striving but are grasped by faith in the promises of God.
Anderson encourages us to meditate upon the ways that Christ truly is the end of our exploring.
Amy Mantravadi shares about the importance and influlnce of Martin Chemitz in the predestination controversy.
In this article Amy Mantravadi give a short but helpful summary of the differences in Lutheran and Reformed thought regarding assurance.
Amy Mantravadi asks if we should forgive others even if they are not repentant
Amy Mantravadi reviews a new book about Medieval perceptions of Jesus
We do not choose our struggles, but there is One who has chosen to always be with us.
The joy of which Lewis speaks is a deep yearning of the soul not unlike the nostalgia we feel upon seeing a favorite childhood object once again.
Attempting to escape the errors of medieval Catholic thinking, Agricola ended up making the same mistake of conflating law and gospel.