1. In this piece Bob Hiller follows C.S. Lewis’ lead from Screwtape Letters and offers a sequel of his own.
  2. As much as we want the glory, riches, and knowledge of Dantes, what we need is Jean Valjean's candlesticks.
  3. There is power in the name of Jesus, and we love to manipulate power for our own ends.
  4. Your forgiveness means you are in God’s favor, and no matter what tomorrow brings, God’s face is shining upon you, and he is gracious to you. Whether you live or you die, you belong to the Lord.
  5. You who would be a law unto yourself, Christ is the gospel unto you, proclaiming you forgiven.
  6. It is one thing to pray against death’s slow and aggressive assault on God’s creation. It is another to trust in the one who has conquered the grave.
  7. Comfort is not a platitude; it is a promise. A promise from our God who left his place of glory and died a sinner’s death for poor sinners.