1. I hope this Christmastime affords ample opportunities for you to publish the Good News of Jesus Christ.
  2. This is our frontier religion: God is waiting to shower blessings upon us if only we will unlock those blessings with the right kind of works, and a sufficient quantity of the same.
  3. In these two stories - one ending and the other beginning just a day apart - we find many ingredients that are uniquely American. We find grit, determination, and conquest.
  4. Suddenly Psalm 1 is opened to you and to me and to all people as Jesus walks with us, stands with us, sits with us, and gives us His words and gifts of life!
  5. Jesus is the heart of the Gospel, and the Gospel is Good News. But it is always Good News that comes to us best on the lips of another.
  6. We take what we perceive to be freedom and turn it into a new credo, a new law, an idol to be lifted up and lived out.
  7. It is only when individuals are bound together in community that they become fully human.
  8. Led by God’s Word we can grasp why this gap exists, grows, and threatens us. Simply put, we don’t take sin seriously. We don’t take the effects of our sinful rebellion on all of creation seriously.
  9. And your life, weary and broken as it is, is hidden by God in Christ—tucked away in God’s enduring and eternally given Word, in Jesus.
  10. Gone, abolished, put away with, undone, and destroyed are any and all notions that my repentance unlocks, sets free, or earns God’s forgiveness.
  11. In Adam and in us, life has been wrapped in death. But in Jesus, God has wrapped death in life.
  12. Even now we sing as we live in His gifts, and await His second Advent—His second-coming.