1. Beneath the calm, within the light, A hid unruly appetite Of swifter life, a surer hope, Strains every sense to larger scope, Impatient to anticipate The halting steps of aged Fate. Now listen to Ringside.
  2. You Know, The Thing. In this episode, Robert Capon on The Mystery of Christ, and Why We Don’t Get It. We discuss exegesis, pastoral care, preaching, and the task of a theologian.
  3. Mike and Wade discuss the life of Christ, using select accounts from the Gospels to illustrate aspects of His person and work for Mike's THE 105 course.
  4. Turning Inward to Attack Evil. In this episode, we continue to discuss Simone Weil on Evil. The importance of Jesus’ sacrificial death as expiation and redemption and what happens when we try to make good apart from God.
  5. Am I Evil? In this episode, we continue to read and discuss Simone Weil on Evil. Violence, suffering, and justice. What part does human evil play in Jesus’ sacrificial death?
  6. How does one share the gospel on social media?
  7. Oh goodness, it’s so evil. In this episode, we continue reading and discussing Simone Weil on evil. If God alone is good what does that mean for our understanding of ourselves and the world?
  8. Am I Evil? In this episode, Simone Weil on evil. What is evil, and how is it distinct from what is good? How does our understanding of evil, or our ignorance of it, affect the churches?
  9. Get behind me bourgie theology! Pick up your cross and turn on your radio to Ringside Preachers. Talking about Rush Limbaugh’s legacy, shaking hands like a man and not a fish, and you-know-who: Jesus.
  10. "Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream?" Poe is wrong. Though we have lulled ourselves asleep, the reality is far brighter and beautiful than we imagine. Christ is risen and so shall we. The dreamer who dreams is He.
  11. The Thinking Fellows talk about repentance.