1. Paul reminds us in Eph. 6, that evil is real and present on earth.
  2. We might think of the poetry of the Psalms as a dance between creation and redemption.
  3. If you are excited to learn from the primary sources of the Reformation, what should you start reading and why?
  4. Craig and Troy launch into a new mini-series on their favorite Scriptures . . . the ones that are the central themes of the faith
  5. Peter's profound promises to perfectly protect the progeny of the Padre putter out. Jesus is tormented to His core knowing what He is about to face, but commits Himself for you.
  6. Following Augustine's proposition that prayer can lead to a cooperative relationship between God's will and man's, Paulson, the alternative prayer that Luther highlights with the petition "Thy will be done."
  7. The Fellows discuss the importance of the Reformation.
  8. This episode deals with the problem of divine threats.
  9. In this episode, Paulson explains how Luther continues to reach out to Erasmus with demonstrations from classical antiquity.
  10. Scott and Caleb get to the end of the Smalcald Articles.
  11. Craig and Troy pick up where they left off last week and explore the spiritual meaning of the Reformation