1. Do you ever wonder if God thinks His plan is worth all of the suffering that His son went through on our behalf?
  2. Today on the show, Dan tells the story of a man he spent three years researching, Johann Arndt.
  3. Who can ascend the holy mountain? Who can enter the gates of the eternal city?
  4. Today on the show, we head to the mailbag to answer another question about the end times.
  5. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SIX, Jason and Wade discuss doctrine and practice, defining both and then dealing with how the two relate.
  6. Psalm 82 gives us a glimpse into the cosmic realm where God pronounces judgement on the fallen angels.
  7. We are all learning how to pray God’s Word together.
  8. We are all learning how to pray God’s Word together.
  9. Gretchen Ronnevik is the author of Ragged: Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted and co-host of the podcast, Freely Given.
  10. We are all learning how to pray God’s Word together.