1. Today, we talk about the first encounter of Jesus with John the Baptist.
  2. In this fun episode, we talk about ways we celebrate Advent as a family.
  3. The first episode of Preaching the Text introduces the hosts, Dr. Steven Paulson and Pr. John Hoyum, as they start this new study of the Sunday lectionary texts.
  4. Divide by Two, but Add by One. In this episode, we discuss Nestorius’ sermon on whether Mary was Theotokos or not and what happens when one tries to comment on the two natures of God using Greek philosophy to exegete Scripture.
  5. God Has No Skin in The Game? In this episode, we discuss Tertullian’s argument against Marcion about God’s being born flesh and blood in his treatise, On The Flesh of Christ. What’s at stake when well-meaning Christians disembody God and, consequently, Christians?
  6. Mary is blessed, because Mary knows the way God works and because she knows His promises, and she knows that in her womb grows her savior.
  7. What is Christmas all about? It's inconceivable, but nevertheless about Christ being conceived. The word of God was promised, and that promise was Jesus.
  8. King Herod's rule is threatened when the Magi come to worship the one born King of the Jews. But did they spill the beans?
  9. God will forever be man. While you think about that, take a listen to our recent episode on the elevation of human beings on Christmas, Mary’s unique role, and ministering to public servants unable to be home for Christmas.