English Reformation (12)
  1. Sober Up, He’s Coming! In this episode of the Banned Books podcast, we read Aelfric’s Advent homily while discussing decorating churches for Christmas, the importance of symbolism for the Christian faith, what a tide is, and why the books Genesis and Revelation reference everything regarding faith and life.
  2. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about William Blake.
  3. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we look at the early Anglican Church and one of its sometimes-overlooked characters: Archbishop Matthew Parker.
  4. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we remember the great Welsh poet and priest George Herbert.
  5. Today on the show, we look at the Scottish Kirk, Revival, and the National Covenant of 1638.
  6. Today on the show, we head to the mailbag to help another student with their homework.
  7. Today on the show, we remember the Yorkminster Fire of 1828.
  8. Today on the show, we look at the complicated religious context of Mary, Queen of Scots.
  9. A change during a time of crisis is nothing new; it's an experience we can see throughout history.
  10. Such faith is faith alone. Even our Spirit-produced fruit is not to be trusted. Rather, faith rests entirely in Christ’s work for us.
  11. According to the Kübler-Ross model, starting your own church is just one of the five stages of divorce. Pastors Riley and Gillespie jump back into Robert Capon's "The Astonished Heart," to discuss Henry VIII, Catholic elasticity, and mini-Christendoms.
  12. Henry found Melanchthon to be a more moderate voice and was eager to discuss theological matters with the young, increasingly famous and respected academic.