1. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss Luke's account of the annunciation where the angel Gabriel appears before Mary to announce that she will conceive a child by the Holy Spirit.
  2. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about the Incarnation.
  3. This is a special crossover episode with Kelsi Klembara from the podcast: "Outside Ourselves." Kelsi is also the online content manager for 1517 and mother to 3 kids. She holds an MA in Reformational Theology from Concordia University Irvine.
  4. John the Baptist unfailingly and unflinchingly points to Jesus, even from the womb.
  5. Mary hears the word of God and then waits on the Word of God to be born from her womb.
  6. Gretchen and Katie have a conversation with Rev. Bob Hiller about prosperity gospel, and how it sneaks into churches in a way that we start targeting the healthy people, the young families, and those who have something to offer the church.
  7. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price explore the teachings of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
  8. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Daniel Emery Price and Scott Keith explore a critical conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3:1-8.
  9. In this episode, we discuss preaching to those in prison, the consequences of sin, and the power of the gospel. We read excerpts from Karl Barth’s prison sermons and converse about preaching, pastoral care to the vulnerable, where Jesus locates himself for the preaching of the Gospel, and how we can all “set the captives free” through the power of the Gospel proclaimed for the forgiveness of sin. 
  10. We're back, baby! Craig and Troy reunite and use the occasion of Craig's new pastoral ministry to discuss what it means to be a pastor.
  11. I’m A Loser, Baby, So Why Don’t You Resurrect Me? In this episode, we discuss the difference between our ideas of Jesus as a “winner” who gives us big wins in life versus Jesus, who wins by losing to sin, death, and the devil. We read Gerhard Forde’s article “Loser Takes All” and consider how we bend Jesus to our ideas of satisfaction, safety, and success.
  12. One More Movie Reference Ought to Do It. In this episode, we discuss God’s Word and Armor. We return to Harold Ristau’s book, Spiritual Warfare: For the Care of Souls, to converse about God’s Word, ministry, being a soldier in the army of Christ, and angelic backup, and we make many movie references as we go!