1. Caleb and Dr. Paulson continue their read through Luther's Small Catechism. This time, Dr. Paulson teaches about the institution of the Lord's Supper.
  2. Encore presentation: Steve Lownes returned to the studio to help Craig and Troy work out their relationship, but instead we end up talking more about the intersection of theology and therapy.
  3. Encore presentation: Therapist Steve Lownes joins Craig and Troy for a discussion on theology and therapy. How are they the same, and how are they different?
  4. Dr. Paulson concludes the lessons on the Lord's Prayer.
  5. In this episode, Dr. Paulson discusses how the pure comfort of the Gospel overcomes evil.
  6. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss the gospel reading for Maundy Thursday.
  7. In this episode, Dr Paulson and Caleb discuss how God does not tempt us with sin but is our sole deliverer from the devil, the world, and our sinful flesh.
  8. Plug In, Baby. In this episode, we read St. Ambrose’s work, On the Mysteries, enjoying his exegesis and defense of the body and blood of Jesus. We also discuss recognizing patterns in the Bible, testing the spirits who want to separate out the heavenly from the earthly, and the importance of symbol and meaning for Christian comfort.
  9. In this episode, Dr. Paulson discusses how God forgives us and sends us as agents of His forgiveness out into the world.
  10. Kelsi chats with singer/songwriter, Andy Gullahorn, about his writing process and the impact of ending stories with the good news of grace and the gospel.
  11. Everybody’s Working for the Weekend. In this episode, we continue our Lenten tradition of reading Luther’s Galatians commentary in March, discussing past and present idolatry and why we keep falling for the same sales pitches from the same gods.