1. The Lion of Judah, Christ the King, Jesus of Nazareth, will not be away from us for one night.
  2. This great victory, the true defeat of death, I receive not by my thinking, willing, or working, but simply by believing.
  3. I found in Jonathan Edwards an unexpected voice articulating beautiful aspects of death through the lens of Christ.
  4. By death the Christian is brought to the actual possession of all his happiness, which is nothing other than Christ and all the benefits Christ has procured for His saints.
  5. One now finds Edwards frequently commenting on the beautiful things about nature, life, and Christ, and he also manifests a creative perception of beauty when considering the most morose of topics: Death.
  6. As Christians, we are given another future. It is not a posthuman epic, but a future given us in the resurrection of the One who is both God and man from the dead, our Lord Jesus Christ.
  7. Bathed in the waters of baptism, you are placed in God's path of totality, a path he won for each and every one of us.
  8. Jesus continues to do the same for me and for you as he did for his disciples. He still shows up for us. He still speaks his peace to us.
  9. The seemingly small, the particular, the previously overlooked, magnifies in importance.
  10. We have back on our dear friend, Sarah Crowder, as she talks about her contribution to the upcoming devotional "Encouragent to Motherhood."
  11. In this episode of Outside Ourselves, pastor and professor, Ken Jones, helps tackle the question, "What Does it Mean to Die a Good Death?"

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