1. In this episode, Dr. Paulson discusses how God forgives us and sends us as agents of His forgiveness out into the world.
  2. In this episode, Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin talk about the impact of story on our theological understanding, and the use of story in the life of Christians.
  3. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price cover Ephesians 5:1-6.
  4. In the first episode of 2024, Kelsi chats with 1517 Scholar in Residence, Chad Bird, about the benefits to reading the Bible in a Year, some helpful and guiltless ways to approach this goal and reading Scripture in general.
  5. How are we filled with the knowledge and spirtiual wisdom and understanding of God?
  6. n today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price focus on Matthew 7:12-14, a passage that carries profound significance in shaping our Christian life and understanding of salvation.
  7. Kelsi interviews author Harrison Scott Key about his latest book, "How to Stay Married: The Most Insane Love Story Ever Told."
  8. David and Adam continue their series on the reasonableness of Christianity. In this episode, they cover recent New Testament scholarship on the Gospels as biography and eyewitness testimony.