1. Caleb and Scott discuss article four of the Apology to the Augsburg Confession.
  2. Is Scripture clear? Dr. Paulson talks about the internal and external clarity of Scripture.
  3. Caleb and Scott read and discuss the first three articles of the Augsburg Confession and the Apology.
  4. Dr. Paulson spends time explaining how Luther and Erasmus approach Scripture.
  5. Scott and Caleb introduce the Augsburg Confession.
  6. Caleb is joined by Bob Hiller and Rod Rosenbladt to close out Luther’s Large Catechism.
  7. As a continuation of the last episode, Dr. Paulson explains that the goal of Erasmus's skepticism is a calculated submission.
  8. Through the Gospel of Matthew, Craig and Troy continue talking about the "two religions." One is firm, built on the rock of Christ. The other is unstable, built upon literally anything else.
  9. Philip Bartelt and John Hoyum join Caleb to read and discuss the Third Article of the Apostles' Creed.
  10. Paulson confronts Erasmus's propositions about remaining in unknowing.
  11. Luther’s short sermon on the second article of the Apostles’ Creed is short but significant in its call that Christ and this article be constantly preached throughout the year.