1. On this episode, Caleb and Scott complete their comments on the Augsburg Confession and the Apology.
  2. Caleb Keith is joined by John Hoyum to discuss articles 20 and 21 of the Augsburg Confession and Apology.
  3. In this episode we talk about who does what in repentance. It can be easy to put ourselves in the driver's seat of someone else's repentance.
  4. Caleb and Scott talk about article 16 of the Augsburg Confession.
  5. Caleb and Scott discuss article four of the Apology to the Augsburg Confession.
  6. Caleb and Scott read and discuss the first three articles of the Augsburg Confession and the Apology.
  7. Scott and Caleb introduce the Augsburg Confession.
  8. Caleb is joined by Bob Hiller and Rod Rosenbladt to close out Luther’s Large Catechism.
  9. Take a break from wailing at your own personal wailing wall made up of unfulfilled dreams, cold-hearted gods, and broken relationships. Pull the tab on a Schlitz and sit down for some yucking it up, and little Holy Spirit! We’ll buy this one: just relax.
  10. Philip Bartelt and John Hoyum join Caleb to read and discuss the Third Article of the Apostles' Creed.
  11. Luther’s short sermon on the second article of the Apostles’ Creed is short but significant in its call that Christ and this article be constantly preached throughout the year.
  12. Caleb is joined by John Hoyum and Kelsi Klembara to talk about Luther’s explanation of the first article of the Apostles Creed.