1. So, look . . . if you want to rely upon works of the Law to lay claim to the title "child of God," you can't. To be under the Law is to be a slave, and slaves are not sons.
  2. Nuance, listening, patience, dialogue. These things seem missing as we analyze our problems in America! We get to speak with a former police officer and current pastor, Tim Barkett, to hear his take from the perspective of those who serve. Great interview.
  3. Things are falling apart. Nothing new, just a different way. Jesus falls smack dab in the middle of all this shit!
  4. It's ok to remember those who gave their life for their country and not remind them that Jesus did something greater just so they don't get a big head. You can tell them the Good News however! Sins forgiven - for free!
  5. This is Almost As Offensive as The Gospel. Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Martin Luther’s Galatians commentary. In this episode, Riley combines chocolate covered espresso beans with mushroom coffee, one of us offends everyone, and our quarantine fever takes over the conversation. It’s a wild, scattershot episode with tongue planted firmly in cheek. And the worst offenses are in the post-show.
  6. Why does suffering hurt so much? Craig and Troy explore the idea that God works through our suffering for the benefit of others and ourselves, but He does so without us seeing Him work. So what should our faith latch onto? Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and give us a great review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts! Email us: ForYouRadio@1517.org
  7. Every year since Kevin graduated high school, “deaths of despair” have been on the rise. What causes people to seek rest in something that will ultimately kill them, and where can we find the rest we seek? Special guest: Rev. Kevin McClain of Trinity Lutheran Church in Ashland, OH. Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and give us a great review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts! Email us: ForYouRadio@1517.org
  8. When our friends are suffering, how should we comfort them? Craig and Troy discuss things NOT to say, and in the end discover just Who was sent to comfort us, and how He does it.
  9. In 2nd Corinthians, Paul has a lot to say about suffering. Paul reminds us that in our suffering, Jesus manifests both His suffering and His comfort. Oh, and Louie the Unofficial Comfort Dog/Program Producer makes an appearance, too.