1. Today on the show, we remember the eccentric mystic Simone Weil.
  2. Isn’t That A Daisy? In this episode, we discuss Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Good Friday sermon, focusing on preaching the cross, where to locate sin, what effect the law has on our external works, and why a proclaimer is necessary to get the Gospel.
  3. Today on the show, Dan tells the story of a man he spent three years researching, Johann Arndt.
  4. Mike, Jason, and Wade, and Pr. Nathan Wordell, discuss the third chapter of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics, Heritage and Decay.
  5. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHT, Mike, Jason, and Wade, and Pr. Dan Lindner and Pr. Nathan Wordell, discuss the second chapter of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ethics, Ethics as Formation, as well as campus ministry.
  6. Today on the show, we head to the mailbag to answer another question about the end times.
  7. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SEVEN, Jason and Wade discuss theology and philosophy in the light of the first chapter Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ethics and how neither can address the whole person apart from the incarnate Christ, who is the reality behind both the church and the world, so that the Christian can no more retreat from the world than the unbeliever can be whole apart from Christ.
  8. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SIX, Jason and Wade discuss doctrine and practice, defining both and then dealing with how the two relate.
  9. Today on the show, we remember a central figure in the British Enlightenment and the move towards toleration in the English church.
  10. We Are Live! In this episode, we recorded a live show at the Here We Still Stand 2022 conference, so of course, we read Nietzsche and discussed salvation.