1. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-NINE, Mike, Wade, and Greg (should he just replace Jason longterm?) discuss the image of God.
  2. David and Adam reflect on the parable of the invisible gardener, which John Wisdom (1904-1993) and Antony Flew (1923-2010) developed to illustrate epistemological and linguistic issues associated with theology.
  3. The Thinking Fellows discuss the doctrine of God.
  4. Just My Imagination. In this episode, we read Eugene Peterson’s book, Under the Unpredictable Plant, and discuss theological imagination at length. What are the consequences when the church takes its cues from a culture with no imagination? Can Christians tell biblical stories without a theological imagination? What happens when the earthly and heavenly are divided by a lack of imagination into merely rationalized explanations?
  5. All of humanity commonly bears the imago Dei, or "image of God." And yet, there's a way in which we have lost that image, and it must be restored to us.
  6. The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.
  7. Paulson continues the discussion about God in the dung.
  8. Can God enter somewhere where he should not be? Paulson looks at the assertion that if God gets too dirty or too near to sin, he is no longer God.
  9. Dr. Paulson explores Luther's rebuttal of the adage "Knowledge is Power."