1. We interviewed Kelsi Klembara after she spoke at the recent "Here We Still Stand" Regional Conference in Bentonville, Arkansas. She spoke about the embodiment of our redemption, and how our theology of the body can effect how we view eating disorders, chronic health issues, various health improvement programs and even the body positivity movement.
  2. The Fellows discuss the importance of the Reformation.
  3. We have special guest, Aimee Byrd, on today to talk about her journey in being a woman who studies theology. She shares the purpose on each of her books and how they build off of one another, leading up to her most recent book that we are discussing today on Biblical manhood and womanhood.
  4. In one more episode before our interview, we wanted to go over Titus 2, which is often the prooftext given for the false idea that men and women are sanctified differently. This episode could fit both in our discussion of womanhood in the Bible, as well as verses frequently taken out of context.
  5. Scott and Caleb get to the end of the Smalcald Articles.
  6. Craig and Troy pick up where they left off last week and explore the spiritual meaning of the Reformation
  7. The following several articles of Smalcald are concerned with the application of the Gospel.
  8. Dr. Paulson talks about how monastic life and satisfaction for sin outside of Christ harm not only the gospel but our understanding of the law.
  9. In honor of the upcoming Reformation Day, Craig and Troy discuss the history, background, and gospel importance of the Lutheran Reformation.
  10. There has been a lot of calls to fear lately in our world. As alarming things happen in every news cycle, and fear feels like the responsible thing to do, Katie and Gretchen talk about how the opposite of fear isn't apathy, it's hope.
  11. What is the real power that drives the Christian Church, even today? Ringside Preachers and Craft of Preaching join forces to bring you this special edition podcast discussing "Christianity Without Christendom." with Dr. Erik Herrmann from Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
  12. Caleb and Scott give a historical overview of the Smalcald articles.