1. Dr. Paulson outlines some of the major interpretive issues of modern Bible historians.
  2. This week, Caleb and Scott are joined by Dan Price to introduce the latest 1517 Podcast, "Tough Texts." On Tough Texts, Dan and Scott address classically tricky passages of Scripture and meet these texts with a plain reading.
  3. In this episode, Dr. Paulson begins to outline what Luther means when he talks about the "plain text" of Scripture.
  4. Dr. Paulson discusses the devastating impact of Scriptural interpretation that tries to get around the difficult and real passages of the text.
  5. Dr. Paulson discusses how some theology distrusts the literal meaning of Scripture.
  6. As we continue our meditation on Psalm 102, Chad speaks of ambition that clouds our vision and distracts us from the things that really matter.
  7. The whole of the Scriptures are interpreted through the lens of the Law and the Gospel.
  8. Today on the show, we remember the invention and publication that made Johann Gutenberg “the man of the Millennium.”
  9. In the midst of our worship, God admonishes us to remember His goodness, and don't harden our hearts like our ancestors when they forgot God in the wilderness.
  10. Lexham Press associate publisher, Todd Hains, joins Kelsi in this episode to discuss his book, Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith
  11. Today on the show, we have a special mailbag episode about the daily lectionary.
  12. Weekend Edition for December 31, 2022