The point of Revelation is to reveal consolation in Jesus, not to revel in chaos and confusion.
The good news for Jacob is that God humbled himself so that he could lose a wrestling match to a man with a dislocated hip so that he could give him a new name.
Despite the fact that this could sound strange to modern ears, Luther has an important reason for saying what he does about the Commandments.

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We did not say “Goodbye” to our son on the day of his burial. We said, “Luke, we’ll see you soon.”
What the gospel promises is not escape from our humanity, but resurrection from the dead.
I want the beginning of my funeral to be focused on Jesus, as well as the middle, the end, and every point in between.
This is the patient love of God. He is stubborn about the salvation of sinners. He will not be rushed even if his name is mocked, and the trustworthiness of his promises are called into question.
What we are asked to believe as we ponder the birth of this child is that in his coming, a new creation has dawned.
The Advents of Christ (past, present, and future) elicit faith in the word of Christ, confirmed by his presence.
Getting ready for Christ’s coming is a practice in humility.
Each week during this year’s Advent series, we will take a look at a specific implication of Christ’s incarnation. This week, we will discover how God reaffirms the goodness of his creation by making all things new in the incarnation.
“The days are coming,” and God said it. God, who kept his promise that Christ would come at Christmas.
If Jesus is indeed the same yesterday, today, and forever, everything his enfleshment brings is already assured: life, salvation, and forgiveness.
Martha’s pain is not met by a to-do list. Jesus’ reply is not that she should try harder or change her behavior
The grace of God does not save us at the beginning only in order to keep ourselves in his good graces by our good enough readiness.