1. Luther’s confessions and writings during that time demonstrated the diagnosis of the problem he faced had always been the same.
  2. God’s design in the Law is to enable man to know himself; to perceive the false and unjustified state of his heart; to discover how far he is from God and to disdain his own goodness.
  3. Rest doesn’t come cheap. Perhaps there’s no scarcer commodity in our time. Plenty sell it, but there’s no warranty, and it seldom lasts.
  4. The sword of the spirit in Holy Scripture does indeed show us our sin, but thanks be to God, it also shows us our Savior.
  5. Aquinas would craft a systematic theology that did with the matter of faith what Aristotle had done with the natural world.
  6. Our hope is God's mercy. It's like a well that never dries up. His mercies were there before he created us. They are present for us today.
  7. Even for idolatrous sellouts like you and me, God’s position has not changed. Even though we may have forgotten him, he never forgets us.
  8. Grace remits sin, and peace quiets the conscience. Sin and conscience torment us, but Christ has overcome these fiends now and forever.
  9. The imprecatory psalms are like release valves for hurting souls. Their stanzas are God-given spaces in which we can bear our soul’s torment.
  10. Men and women are all caught in the universal machine of suffering that chews people up and spits them out. And in their respective griefs and fears, they are all wondering if God sees them, hears them, knows them.
  11. At its heart, this is what Deacon King Kong is all about: the paradox of Jesus carving his victory out of the last thing we expect, not our triumphs but our defeats.
  12. Christians do have a hope that those who sleep in death will be awakened and their joy will never end, and we yearn for that day.