1. Anderson encourages us to meditate upon the ways that Christ truly is the end of our exploring.
  2. Kyle G. Jones gives a broad primer on what apologetics is, what it hopes to accomplish, and its limitations.
  3. Tolkien's hero Tom Bombadil functions to showcase the Gospel
  4. Theology and history go hand in hand in the real person of Jesus Christ, making the truth of the Gospels profoundly human and powerfully meaningful.
  5. Christopher grew up in his father's literary world, a joyful reminder and glimpse of something far greater that we as Christians grow up in our Heavenly Father's living word.
  6. In A Hobbit, A Wardrobe and a Great War, Loconte meticulously analyzes both Lewis and Tolkien with one eye on their immediate historical context and the other on their works, letters, and diary entries.
  7. Thanks to Barfield’s opposition, several important things happened to C.S. Lewis.
  8. Written in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of J.R.R. Tolkien's death.
  9. If we believe that ours is truly the greatest story ever told, then we must share that story in creative ways and allow it to change the desires of its hearers.
  10. Tim wanted everyone to know to the deepest part of their being that they were justified by Christ alone.