1. A Christian story untethered from the reality of Christ and his mercy toward sinners becomes a mere fable, while a sermon disconnected from the hearts of its listeners remains a hollow oratory.
  2. Don’t get in the habit (or, if you already do it, get out of the habit) of saying, “I could never talk about these things the way my pastor does.”
  3. This day and its meaning provided the opportunity for an anonymous author to write a poem for Sheer Thursday about Judas' betrayal of Jesus.
  4. Just My Imagination. In this episode, we read Eugene Peterson’s book, Under the Unpredictable Plant, and discuss theological imagination at length. What are the consequences when the church takes its cues from a culture with no imagination? Can Christians tell biblical stories without a theological imagination? What happens when the earthly and heavenly are divided by a lack of imagination into merely rationalized explanations?
  5. What we discover in O’Connor’s stories and Martin Luther’s theology is that God’s grace is elusive because the human heart is resistant to it.
  6. It’s A Show, About Nothing! In this episode, we revisit and discuss C.S. Lewis’ introduction to Athanasius, On the Incarnation. We end up doing a recap of the past year, which means Christmas movies, the incarnation, and lots and lots of rabbit trails on this episode of The Banned Books Podcast.
  7. At the heart of The Idiot is Dostoevsky's confession of faith and the confession of all Christians.
  8. The world hates Jesus because he comes to lead us to love and forgive all, including our enemies.
  9. This Is The End... Gillespie and Riley wrap up their discussion of John Bunyan’s story about the Pilgrim’s Progress. This week, we get apocalyptic.
  10. What about the reality we left behind? Gillespie and Riley get to the last chapter of The Pilgrim's Progress. This episode, baptism, carrot on a stick Jesus, and why verbs matter.
  11. Fee-Fi-Fo-Fu... wait, wrong story! Gillespie and Riley continue their discussion of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress. This week, giants, good friends, and more cages.
  12. Despite all my rage, I’m still just a baptized sinner in a cage. Gillespie and Riley respond to a listener request about The Pilgrim’s Progress. This week, we go back to the Interpreter’s House to see about a man in a cage—the Bible, Jesus, and the problem with cages.

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