1. This week, The Fellows are Joined by Dr. Russell Dawn to talk about natural law.
  2. Rounding up all the Christendom in the world and launching it into space so it cannot ever hurt us again. Pastors Riley and Gillespie discuss Soren Kierkegaard’s “Preparation for Christianity,” where the Dane criticizes the church for offering people a Christ strictly in his ascended and victorious state and neglecting Jesus in his humiliation and in his human and highly controversial form.
  3. Almost every episode of the Thinking Fellows has a handfull of books linked in the show notes.
  4. Today, the fellows dive back into apologetics. Talking about epistemology, we discuss the necessary link between historical data and theological knowledge
  5. As one of the last episodes in our latest series about the great ideas of the Reformation, we talk about the relationship between faith and reason.
  6. On episode TWENTY-FOUR of Let the Bird Fly! Wade and Peter meet up in the backyard with six of their nine kids, countless crickets, and even a siren or two.
  7. Jeff Mallinson co-host of the Virtue in the Wasteland podcast comes on to talk about Kierkegaard.
  8. On episode four of Let the Bird Fly! we discuss crossing disciplines and engaging those outside our circles (whatever those circles might be) along with the benefits and the dangers that presents.
  9. On episode TWO of Let the Bird Fly! we discuss time-zones, naps, recess, the story of the Fall in Genesis 3, the Human Condition, and probably far too much Kierkegaard.
  10. Thank you to our listeners who pushed the Thinking Fellows through a fantastic first year of podcasting. To kick off year two, we are answering listeners questions on air. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  11. How do you know what you Know? Epistemology is the sense through which one filters and views all the knowledge he or she has acquired in this world. Understanding your own epistemology as well as the other common epistemological views is essential to doing good apologetics. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.