1. This is the end of our conversation with Aimee Byrd to discuss the discipleship of women.
  2. One at the right hand, and one on the left . . . but Jesus doesn't think that means what they think it means.
  3. We have special guest, Aimee Byrd, on today to talk about her journey in being a woman who studies theology. She shares the purpose on each of her books and how they build off of one another, leading up to her most recent book that we are discussing today on Biblical manhood and womanhood.
  4. In one more episode before our interview, we wanted to go over Titus 2, which is often the prooftext given for the false idea that men and women are sanctified differently. This episode could fit both in our discussion of womanhood in the Bible, as well as verses frequently taken out of context.
  5. What does it mean to become a child in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Pride and earthly strength compete with Christlike humility.
  6. The confession of Jesus as the Christ is the firm foundation of the Church. Even as Peter was called blessed in confessing this, so too are we.
  7. We are discussing "I can do all things through Christ" in context of the rest of the passage, and then we discuss the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac (rather... not sacrificing him) and whether or not Christians are called to sacrifice. Is that what this passage is talking about?
  8. Gretchen and Katie start to tackle out of context verses. These verses are commonly quoted, whether they are from signs, devotionals, motivational talks, or conversation, but without the context that makes sense of them.
  9. There has been a lot of calls to fear lately in our world. As alarming things happen in every news cycle, and fear feels like the responsible thing to do, Katie and Gretchen talk about how the opposite of fear isn't apathy, it's hope.
  10. Gretchen and Katie have been on the road, in the midst of harvest, and have collected the best highlights of the recent 1517 conference in Las Vegas.
  11. Ringside Preachers and Craft of Preaching join forces to bring you this special edition podcast discussing "Christianity Without Christendom." with Rev. Dr. Jeff Gibbs from Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
  12. Jesus proves His divinity by not only being master over creation, but in being master of life and death. Peter proves both his faith and faithlessness by putting his eyes on Jesus and then immediately taking them back off.