1. This is Almost As Offensive as The Gospel. Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Martin Luther’s Galatians commentary. In this episode, Riley combines chocolate covered espresso beans with mushroom coffee, one of us offends everyone, and our quarantine fever takes over the conversation. It’s a wild, scattershot episode with tongue planted firmly in cheek. And the worst offenses are in the post-show.
  2. I Want to Believe... Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss Martin Luther’s Galatians commentary. In the episode, a deep dive into the 80s and 90s pop culture, piling up analogies, and what’s so unique about the Gospel.
  3. Run, Boy, Run! Gillespie and Riley continue their discussion on Martin Luther's Galatians commentary. In this episode, a lot of law talk, some entertaining analogies, and the sum of Christian wisdom.
  4. Badges? We Don't Need No Stinking Badges! Gillespie and Riley continue their discussion of Martin Luther's Galatians commentary. In this episode, more talk about active and passive righteousness, and the practical consequences of confusing law and Gospel, the two kingdoms, and active and passive righteousness.
  5. Sit still; this won’t hurt... much. Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss Martin Luther’s Galatians commentary. This episode, active and passive righteousness.