1. The God Who Stole Christmas. In this episode of Banned Books, we discuss Christmas Eve and Christmas Day readings, prayers, hymns, and traditions. We also have a lot of fun jesting and critiquing time-held hymns and traditions. We talk translations, history, worship, and why Christmas is the best time to embrace the enchanting absurdity of Jesus — the God-in-the-flesh, who’s come to be a Light in the darkness, a shield against sin, the world and the devil, and the Door opened and welcoming us into eternal life.
  2. What's the deal with Christmas? Is the incarnation of Christ that big a deal? The answer is an unqualified yes.
  3. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss Luke's account of the annunciation where the angel Gabriel appears before Mary to announce that she will conceive a child by the Holy Spirit.
  4. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about the Incarnation.
  5. This is a special crossover episode with Kelsi Klembara from the podcast: "Outside Ourselves." Kelsi is also the online content manager for 1517 and mother to 3 kids. She holds an MA in Reformational Theology from Concordia University Irvine.
  6. John the Baptist unfailingly and unflinchingly points to Jesus, even from the womb.
  7. Mary hears the word of God and then waits on the Word of God to be born from her womb.
  8. In this episode of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi chats with illustrator Natasha Kennedy about her illustrations in the FatCat Children Series books (Lexham Press).
  9. The Parable of the Lawless, Polygamist Groom. In this episode, we discuss the parable of the ten virgins as preached by John Piper. We converse about law and promise, red herrings, who’s wise and foolish in the parable, the bondage of the will and the doctrine of election, and the consequences for hearers of such parabolic sermons.
  10. David and Adam continue their series on the reasonableness of Christianity. In this episode, they cover recent New Testament scholarship on the Gospels as biography and eyewitness testimony.