1. Amy Mantravadi reviews a new book about Medieval perceptions of Jesus
  2. We do not choose our struggles, but there is One who has chosen to always be with us.
  3. The goodness of God's grace is also offensive to our egos
  4. God gives good gifts to underserving workers. God gives good gifts to all of them.
  5. This is an excerpt is from Chapter 1 of Let the Bird Fly: Life in a World Given Back to Us written by Wade Johnston (1517 Publishing, 2019).
  6. Prior sees much of evangelicalism’s imaginary trouble arising from the fact that it emphasizes quick and dramatic conversion experiences and a personally directed relationship with God.
  7. We may not all be mass-murdering Nazis. But we all have the same root sin that causes the most egregious criminal activity on the face of the earth. We all have the desire to be our own God.
  8. The only way to change the current state of worship songwriting and production is to create something different.
  9. How can we be sure that we are getting a “solid spiritual diet” and not a “milky” one?
  10. What might Christians of the Reformation tradition think of claims like these about the nature of salvation?
  11. Only by accurately and honestly reporting the views of those with whom we disagree can we then properly address and refute them. This is the approach Solberg has taken.
  12. What is undoubtedly true, however, is that St. Peter wasn’t left outside. He wasn’t left weeping. He was restored, as am I, as are you.