1. In this episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price look at the book of Philemon, focusing on the issue of slavery in the context of Christianity.
  2. Many of us stay away from spending too much time in the book of Revelation out of fear or intimidation.
  3. As they continue to discuss good works, Craig and Troy bring in two theological systems: the Theology of Glory and Theology of Cross.
  4. This month's bonus episode we discuss the book "The Spirituality of the Cross" by Gene Veith.
  5. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO, Jason, Wade and Mike discuss the need for a theology of suffering.
  6. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE, Jason, Wade and Joel discuss theology.
  7. In the first episode of 2024, Kelsi chats with 1517 Scholar in Residence, Chad Bird, about the benefits to reading the Bible in a Year, some helpful and guiltless ways to approach this goal and reading Scripture in general.
  8. In this episode of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi chats with illustrator Natasha Kennedy about her illustrations in the FatCat Children Series books (Lexham Press).