1. Unity is not our work, but a gift granted in the one baptism and one calling which comes from the one Spirit of the one Lord from the one Father over everything.
  2. Paul’s prayers for his beloved Ephesians do not focus so much on their physical or social well-being, but on the most important thing: That they know and love Christ Jesus!
  3. All humanity is bound to sin and dead in their trespasses, but Christ’s blood was shed for the lot of us!
  4. In my experience, no theological topic causes more existential angst than the truth that God has predestined people for salvation. When such a weighty doctrine is broached, what is a preacher to do?
  5. God will use the thorns and Satanic agents, as opposed to spiritual exercise programs, to fix our eyes on Jesus, not to move past Him.
  6. Paul’s endurance substantiated and authenticated his ministry as being “of God” in ways not unlike other Christian witnesses and martyrs.

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