1. Get behind me bourgie theology! Pick up your cross and turn on your radio to Ringside Preachers. Talking about Rush Limbaugh’s legacy, shaking hands like a man and not a fish, and you-know-who: Jesus.
  2. Is it cooler to think there is a grand secret conspiracy based on human trafficking or that human trafficking happens far more often and far more normally than we are comfortable with? And how did we create a culture that produced Marilyn Manson and is simultaneously shocked and offended by him? Oh yeah, we are really all idiots incapable of running our own lives let alone the world!
  3. Like needing to find a bathroom, the urgency of preaching the presence of God’s kingdom should be felt in the very inner being of every pastor. Not that anything has changed, but God is definitely demonstrating the vulnerability of sinners to the masses. The harvest is now!
  4. Experience the reality of God while the world is ending. Ringside Preachers, Craft of Preaching, and Dr. Arthur Just from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne explore how the real tangible gifts of God break through the shadows of this crumbling world.
  5. Meanwhile our heroine, mild-mannered Ruth, gathers the gleanings to provide for her mother-in-law. But who is this mysterious God-sent stranger?
  6. Ruth shows grace to Naomi. Boaz shows grace to Ruth and Naomi. And God is behind the scenes, working grace to all.
  7. Moses highlights how ultimately short life is in the light of eternity.
  8. Uniquely attributed to Moses, this Psalm offers a grand recalling of the creation account and God’s covenant faithfulness though the generations.
  9. Using agricultural images, the Psalmist speaks of suffering and the persecutions that Israel endures.