1. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND THREE, Mike, Wade, and Jason continue their discussion of Helmut Thielicke’s A Little Exercise for Young Theologians. The guys think the book is worth reading, not only for young theologians, but all theologians, laity and the ordained.
  2. We asked Chad Bird about what it means to wrestle with God. Later this summer, he's coming out with his book on Jacob: "Limping with God." Our discussion went from Jacob being renamed to "Israel" which means "wrestles with God" and how wrestling with God was a keyhole to the crucifixion.
  3. We invited Old Testament and Hebrew scholar, Chad Bird, to talk to us about Proverbs 31. This passage talking about a wife of noble character is often discussed in women's Bible studies or events. It's used to inspire, accuse, exhaust, or at least show us some kind of standard that we feel we can never reach.
  4. We get to hear about the parable of the sower in this episode, as we continue to talk to Daniel Emery Price and Erick Sorensen about their book "Scandalous Stories: a Sort of Commentary on the Parables."
  5. It's kind of like Peter's main job at this point is to be an example of what not to do. Praise God that Jesus is and does more than we can imagine. Special guest appearance by Producer Lou.
  6. Christian community is often described as the activity and programs going on at the church. Many people will join a church for the sake of having a tight knit community. But what does Christian community mean?
  7. . . . but the joke's on Herod. Joseph takes Mary and baby Jesus to refuge in Egypt, and all that happens in Matthew 2 is done in order to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament.
  8. So what happens when you come to the lowest moment of your life and doubt that anything good can come out of it? God meets you there in His Redeemer. Craig and Troy finish up the book of Ruth.
  9. Scott and Caleb are joined by Chad Bird to talk about his new book, Unveiling Mercy.
  10. Four stars! The story of Ruth is the rom-com of the year! But actually, it's even so much better than that. Craig and Troy open up the book of Ruth and start to see how God unfolds His long game through this spectacular and important story.
  11. Sin is everywhere. Betrayal is everywhere. But the Christ whom Samson foreshadows has the final word.
  12. Scott and Caleb are joined by Chad Bird to talk about the Old Testament.