1. So, there's a question we should ask: What can we rightly expect from our government?
  2. Solomon wrote that there is nothing new under the sun.
  3. Okay well . . . not really. But what do you owe your pastor? Craig and Troy begin a new series on the Table of Duties.
  4. Lexham Press associate publisher, Todd Hains, joins Kelsi in this episode to discuss his book, Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith
  5. Today on the show, we remember the publishing of the first hymnal with hymns in the vernacular in 1501.
  6. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND TWELVE, Mike and Wade are give thanks for the life and ministry of Jim Nestingen and discuss his article entitled “Justification by Faith in Luther’s Small Catechism.”
  7. Today on the show, we tell the story of Noel Paul Stookey- the “Paul And” with Peter and Mary.
  8. Today on the show, we remember Dave Brubeck and his unlikely fusion of Jazz and music for the church.