1. Don’t be lukewarm, eat dinner with Jesus.
  2. Jezebel, Balaam and three churches.
  3. Dr. Paulson dives deeper into 2 Thessalonians. Here he teaches how God is opposed by sin and the devil by an assault on and rejection of His Word.
  4. Bruce, Adam, and Caleb discuss the textual and narrative differences between the four gospel accounts of Jesus' life and ministry.
  5. In this episode, Dr. Paulson highlights the importance of distinguishing between law and gospel.
  6. In this episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price delve into two thought-provoking passages from the Bible: Leviticus 24:19-22 and Matthew 5:38-44.
  7. The revelation of Jesus Christ.
  8. The goods that God is jealous.
  9. In this episode of The Outlaw God, Dr. Paulson outlines the issues with deism.