1. This is a special crossover episode with Kelsi Klembara from the podcast: "Outside Ourselves." Kelsi is also the online content manager for 1517 and mother to 3 kids. She holds an MA in Reformational Theology from Concordia University Irvine.
  2. John the Baptist unfailingly and unflinchingly points to Jesus, even from the womb.
  3. Mary hears the word of God and then waits on the Word of God to be born from her womb.
  4. We Need More Mother’s Milk & Pomegranate Seeds. In this episode of Banned Books, we discuss the Song of Songs and read the seventh-century monk, Bede, who takes us on a wild ride through the text; we converse about exegesis, cosmology, the church, why the meaning of words matters, how to read the Bible like an early medieval theologian, and why the story about Jesus changes the world.
  5. In this episode, the Thinking Fellows discuss the idea of orthodoxy. What does it mean to be orthodox or to have an orthodox faith?
  6. Theologian and Biblical Scholar, John Kleinig, joins Kelsi to discuss the vision the Bible gives us for God's redemptive plan as a wholly physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional endeavor.
  7. Walk Like An Augustinian. In this episode, we discuss preaching while reading Augustine’s, On Christian Teaching, where he explains the importance of heavenly wisdom, eloquence, and getting out of the way of God’s Word.
  8. Who Controls Baptism? In this episode, we discuss the baptismal controversy in the early church. Cyprian, Novation, and a whole cloud of witnesses join us on the podcast this week.
  9. Riley Suffers An Aneurysm.  In this episode, we discuss the topic of the will while reading Anselm’s treatise on free will and its ramifications for faith, piety, and pastoral care.
  10. Writer Jane Grizzle talks on what the body’s limitations can teach us about God’s work for us.
  11. Today on the show, we remember St. Paula, among the earliest “Desert Mothers.”
  12. Today on the show, we remember Anthony, the father of Monasticism.